Welcome to Map Navigation documentation ! This document serves as the official guide for Map Navigation.
Within its pages, you will find comprehensive instructions for both the initial setup and customization
of your world map.
Major Features are listed at the feature page .
New Version World Map v2(added on 25 Nov 2024):
V2 Documentation Link:
Go To World Map v2
Fab (new ue marketplace):
Go To Fab Page
Major Changes v1 vs v2
Dungeon has been removed, use Switch Level Map instead.
No need to specify exact class player character when adding player icon on map.
Player Icon on world map are now buttons which can be customised(tooltip, set waypoint, scale icon)
(Multiplayer) Different icon player can be assigned to each player using their player state.
When opening world map, it will now auto center to player icon.
Ability to track a moving player, npc, enemy on world map.
Added Filter Icon on the world map (can be customised by just setting an enum to BP_ComponentIcon)
Much simpler to add effect icon with their icon category(enum via WorldIcon)
Zooming on world map will reduce the icons size accordingly(can be customised).
Improve waypoint design - no need to adjust margin size for icon when creating a custom texture icon.
Reduce complexity of code for dungeon saving since it has been removed.
Move widget code to bp controller so that the player can easily switch character.
Fixed some minor bugs and added some QoL code.
Limitations / Notes
No gamepad support.
(can be a limitation or not) Fog are not shared across other player's machine.
If you already have your own game instance setup, you can reparent them from
Load/Save Icons Tab
The main points of this map navigation system are:
Custom texture world map: User can add it own texture map to pan/zoom on the world map widget.
Fog of war: Reveal explored area as user progress through the map.
Manage icons: Add an icon to any actor using a bp component.
Multiplayer(player icon): View other player icon from both mini map and world map.
Multiplayer(RPC): Example on how to manage icon replication is given in the documentation.
Save fog & icons: Able to save the progress of fog and modification of each icons.
Switch world map: Switch world map when chaning level map.
Switch dungeon map: Upon entering a dungeon trigger box, user can switch to that dungeon map.
Custom Marker: Change icon and add description.
Waypoint: Indicate the user the direction and distance of it waypoint set.