Multiplayer Setup
Multiplayer Setup
Network Editor Setting
- Custom marker is not shared across other pc.
- Waypoint is not shared across other pc.
- Make sure to run on StandaloneGame otherwise the render target file(for minimap) will get shared.
- Number of player greater than 1
- Net Mode: Listen Client
Spawn Actor Icon
When spawning a blueprint class, that class need to be set as replicate.
From your bp, Class Default, in it detail panel, checked Replicates.
- Add the actor component "BP_ComponentMiniMapIcon".
- Set it icon data from it detail panel.
To spawn or broadcast an update icon across all pc, we need to use RPC,
run on server and then multicast like below:
Placed an Actor Icon
When placing a blueprint class on the level map(editor viewport), it doesnt need to be checked replicated.
From your bp, Class Default, in it detail panel, make sure it all default.
- Add the actor component "BP_ComponentMiniMapIcon".
- Set it icon data from it detail panel.
To broadcast an update icon across all pc, we need to use RPC,
run on server and then multicast like below: