Welcome to Save Menu documentation ! This document serves as the official guide for Save Menu game syste,.
Within its pages, you will find comprehensive instructions for both the initial setup and customization
of your save user interface.
Major Features are listed at the feature page .
Demo Sample(471MB): Package Link .
Limitations / Notes
Thumbnail resolution over 512x512 will take longer to load and will increase file save size as well.
Dependency: require Plugin File Utils to be enable.
The main points of this save menu system are:
Manage save files: User can view a list of save files to overwrite, delete or create new file.
Thumbnail: Take a screenshot of the game(stored as bytes) during a save and view it through the slot list save.
Duplicate save file: Create a copy of a save file to another slot.
Elapsed Time: Show the total play time of a save game.
Support autosave: Example are provided on how to add an autosave to the slot list.
Focus Key: Support keyboard arrow key to navigate ui.